When eventually the corporation decided to turn you into one of its cyborg soldiers, you manage to narrowly escape to a secluded monastery deep in the snowy mountains.For 20 years you tried to find peace and harmony amongst your fellow monks, but you are still too haunted by your murderous past to find either. Officially working in security, you were tasked with infiltration, assassination, extortion and even torture. The level of violence and gore is almost over the top at times. While this originated from technical limitations years ago, it has turned into a running joke of sorts for the genre and seeing it included really helps with the nostalgia of the experience.Be warned however, despite the pixelated, 16-bit style visuals of the game, it is ULTRA violent. While you will battle a wide variety of enemy types, from homeless wanderers to military police and even wild animals, you will see varying versions of these enemies that may differ only in colors. Mother Russia Bleeds manages to pull this off while still borrowing traits of classical games that are often joked about and mocked.

#Mother russia bleeds ivan full#
They need to be varied and full of “character”. There are multiple strains of the drug too, each having different effects on the character and you will get to choose them along with your character after you have unlocked additional ones through the game’s survival mode.Another aspect to an enjoyable beat’em up experience has to do with the visuals. It isn’t everywhere though, so you will have to scavenge the game world for it, and that includes extracting it from your fallen enemies before they die.