Shift+numpad5 toggles the color display mode between normal and grayscale. Paths with wide strokes and long mitersĪ grayscale display color mode has been added, that shows a preview of your drawing in grayscale.Masked and clipped objects with large masks / clipping paths in Outline view.Stroke of transformed objects in patterns.Pattern fills (no more gaps between tiles, regardless of transformation).The following things now render correctly: Most of the rendering glitches in our bug tracker are no longer present in Inkscape 0.91.

Inkscape trace bitmap text update#
This results in massive improvements in responsiveness of path highlights, object selection / deselection, and path editing in delayed update mode. The rendering of the SVG drawing is now cached. Inkscape now uses less memory when opening complex drawings, in some cases using only 25% of the memory used by Inkscape 0.48.

This results in substantial speedups when editing drawings containing large filtered objects on multi-core systems. Filters use all available processor cores for computation. Renderings of the most complex objects are automatically cached to improve responsiveness during editing. The new renderer is significantly faster on most drawings.
Inkscape trace bitmap text code#
This work was done mainly during Google Summer of Code 20 projects. Inkscape 0.91 includes a new renderer based on the Cairo library.